I encountered a problem when APC cache seemed to restart every now and then (1-5 minutes). First I though that Apache was restarting but that was not the case. It seems that in my case APC did not do very well with the mod_fcgid module of Apache. As soon as I removed the module, the…
Block stopforumspam.com IP’s through iptables
WARNING: The following code will REPLACE your existing firewall rules as it uses iptables-restore in order to add hundreds of individual ip rules into the INPUT chain very fast. #!/bin/bash rm -f /root/listed_ip_* wget -q -c –no-cache http://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/listed_ip_90.zip -P /root/ –output-document=/root/listed_ip_90.txt.zip unzip /root/listed_ip_90.txt.zip > /dev/null BLOCKDB=/root/listed_ip_90.txt echo “*filter” >/tmp/iptables-save echo “:INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]” >>/tmp/iptables-save echo…
Force reboot of a remote linux machine
Enable sysreq echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq Send boot command to sysreq. Warning, this will NOT sync the filesystem. echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger You can find other sysreq commands here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sysrq.txt Have fun!